Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week of September 1-5

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Thursday, September 4th – RTI Parent Information Night – 7:00 pm

Monday, September 8th-3rd Grade Curriculum Night-7:00 pm

Welcome to Mrs. Csorba's Scoop! This is where you can find important information going on in my classroom and the classes your child has with me. I strongly encourage you to visit this blog weekly as well as the other teacher's blogs your child has for information about their classes.

This week I will be sending home important information about birthday treats and our class Treasure Chest. Please look for this information.

The "Treasure Chest" will be used as a reward system in my homeroom. A student can earn a goody ticket by showing good behavior, remembering to get a signature when needed, showing good character, following directions, etc. Three students’ names will be drawn out of a container each day to pick out of the treasure chest. Donations throughout the year are always appreciated!

Curriculum Night is scheduled for Monday, September 8th starting at 7:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room. This is a very important evening that will highlight some important 3rd grade information. You will have a chance to meet all of your child's teachers. I hope you can make it!

If you ever need to contact me, the easiest way is through email – .

Just a friendly reminder...when sending in money to school or important information, please put it in an envelope with the following written: Your child's name, CSORBA, 3rd grade
and what it is for. For example:
Sue Smith
3rd Grade
Lunch Money

Our first unit teaches us about the human body. We will learn about the body's systems and all the parts that make up a system. We will learn about cells, tissue, and organs in a body system as well.

Social Studies
This week we will begin our first unit in social studies, map skills. Students will learn about the 8 directions (north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest), continents, oceans, and what makes up a map. I will be providing the students with the material they will need for studying. They will not be using their social studies text book for this unit. The textbook may come home this week with a book sox to be covered. We will have our first quiz on Friday on the 8 directions. A study guide will come home this week along with information to prepare for the quiz.

Please visit the blog of your child's Reading teacher to find out information for Reading, Language Arts, and Spelling in that classroom.

Spelling- The first spelling test with be Friday. The list will always go home in the spelling folder on Monday. It should stay in the spelling folder. Feel free to make a copy of the list for home. During 4 day weeks, there will not be a spelling pretest.

Language Arts-We will begin with Unit 1 The Sentence in our English books. Students will learn what a sentence is, the different types of sentences, subjects & predicates of a sentence and run-on sentences.

Reading-We start off reading with Visualizations. We will be reading the story Dogzilla this week to help us with this strategy.

Please visit the blog of your child's Math teacher to find out information for that Math class.

We will begin our study of Place Value this week. Students will also be starting mad minute timed tests the following week. We will begin with addition facts to review. Students are required to finish 40 addition problems (like 9+5 or 7+8) in 2 minutes time. We will take a practice test this Friday to prepare for Monday's mad minute (9/8/08). We will move on to 40 subtraction facts the following week.