Friday, October 12, 2007

Week of October 15-19

Improtant Dates:
*Early Dismissal Wed. 10/17
*Spelling Test Fri. 10/19
*Crazy Hat Day Fri. 10/19
*Reading Quiz Fri. 10/19

Classroom Chatter
Don't forget that there is an early dismissal Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 11am.

Book orders were sent home today for October. I'm trying a new online ordering option this month and if all goes well, I will continue this every month I send home book orders. Please read the note that went home today regarding how parents can order online at home and pay with a credit card instead of tallying up totals and sending in a check to school! Any feedback is appreciated too! Again, this is optional. You have the choice to do book orders online by following the directions on the note sent home or just fill out the order and send in a check to me.

Crazy Hat Day will be Friday's spirit day. Come to school in any hat! Crazy or not!

Lesson 7's words are irregular plurals. The list is in the spelling folders. The test will be on Friday.

We will be continuing with nouns this week. Students will be working on singular and plural nouns this week. Your child's first paper on their three things they wrote about went home Friday. I hope they shared them with you. They did a great job on their papers and their self portraits. We shared them in class last Friday.

We will continue with Hey, New Kid. My goal for the students is to have the book completed by Friday. They will be working on journal responses for the chapters in class. I will be grading chapters 7-13's responses for a reading grade. I will be looking for complete sentences in addition to a correct repsonse. We also are continuing with lesson 2 in the reading packet that is in their reading folder. This week we will be learning about synonyms and antonyms and how to select the right word in a sentence. I made up a review that is very similar to how the quiz will be layed out for L. 2. It will come home for homework on Tuesday and is to be completed to help prepare for L.2's quiz. The quiz is scheduled for Friday.

We will continue with our health unit by reading about Bad Habit Harry. We will make a class book retelling Harry's story. Look for it to come home with your child.

Social Studies
We will begin chapter one in social studies about communities. This is the first chapter in our textbook. We will begin chapter one by learning about the community of El Paso, Texas and how people live, work, and have fun there. Students will learn about El Paso's location and its history.

We will be working with subtraction across zeros this week. We will also be doing some problem solving & mental math strategies.