Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week of October 12-16

Important Dates
*No School Monday 10/12-Columbus Day
*Vocab quiz Wednesday 10/14
*Science test Thursday 1/15
*Spelling test Friday 10/16

Classroom Chatter
Don't forget no school on Monday for Columbus Day! Enjoy the day off!

Third Grade Intramural Games will be starting for all third graders in November. Permission slips are available through the PE department this week. If your child is interested in this before school program, please have your child bring home a permission slip. Thanks!

L. 7 words this week are irregular plurals. There will not be a pretest this week due to the shortened week. The test is Friday. The list will come home Tuesday.

We will continue with Nouns in Unit 2. This week we will study plural nouns, special plural nouns, and singular possessive nouns.

This week we will continue with the monitor/clarify strategy and fact/opinion skill. We will finish up with Nights of the Pufflings by taking a vocabulary quiz Wednesday. We also will be doing an extended reading response on puffins.

We will be having the Ch. 11 test on Matter on Thursday 10/15. The study guide went home last week. It is in the science folder. Have you seen it?

Social Studies
We will continue with our study of Downers Grove. This week students will learn about John Manning, Dicke Tool Company, and the Tivoli movie theater. Our field trip to Downers Grove is booked for November 10th. Look for a permission slip to come home this week!

We will finish up chapter two with making change with money. The chapter 2 test is scheduled for Friday, 10/16.