Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week of March 14-18

Important Dates:

*Science Test on Energy Tuesday 3/15

*Reading vocab Quiz Tuesday 3/15

*St. Patrick's Day Thursday 3/18

*Spelling Test Friday 3/18

Classroom Chatter

Lorin was a lucky winner of a fire truck ride here at Prairieview. He was selected because he does an outstanding job demonstrating being respectful, being responsible, and being safe! Way to go Lorin!


L. 18's rule is changing y to an i. The prestest will be Monday. Homework will come home Monday. The test will be Friday. Homework will be due on Friday.


We will take a quiz on Tuesday over the 5 biography words. The page to study is a workbook page in your child's reading folder. We will continue with sequencing of events, as well as finding facts, as we work on our biography scrapbooks this week. Your child selected a biography to read at home. They should be reading it every night until it is finished. They are also supposed to use a post-it to book mark 6 important events they will want to include for their scrapbook. We will work on the scrapbooks in class together. Any questions, email me!


We will continue with Unit 6's study of pronouns. This week we will do some writing with pronouns, learn how to use I & me, possessive nouns, contractions, and using there, their, and they're.


We take the chapter 12 test on energy on Tuesday.

Social Studies

We will begin our next unit, Chicago. It's my kind of town!


We will take a division 5 mad minute this week. We will begin chapter 8, fraction concepts. Don't forget that the geometry projects are due Friday 3/25. They may be turned in earlier if finished before then! We will take a CYP on lessons 1-5 on Monday 3/21!