Friday, October 14, 2011

Week of October 17-21

Important Dates:
*Spelling pretest Monday 10/17
*Book Fair Thursday 10/20
*Spelling Test Friday 10/21

Classroom Chatter
Don't forget Thursday evening is our Book Fair in the gym! Come and check it out if you can!!!

L. 7's words are spelled with long O. There will be a pretest Monday. The homework will be due Friday. The test will be on Friday.

We will finish up inference this week. We will be doing some inferencing activities using chapter books and short stories. We also will write an extended response from Mulan.

We will spend this week talking and practicing how add description to our writing. For example, we will talk about how we can use our 5 senses when we write to describe things. We will learn about similies and metaphores to help our descriptions too.

We will begin our next unit, States of Matter.

Social Studies
We will begin our next unit, Downers Grove.

Mrs. Csorba's Math Class
We will take a mad minute on "fives" this week. Really, there were only 4 new facts to learn. :)
The mad minute will also have doubles and squares as well. We will finish up chapter two this week. We will take a CYP on the lessons 6-8 on Wednesday, review for the test on Thursday, and Chapter 2's test will be Friday.