Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week of November 14-18

Important Dates:
*Marble Party Tuesday 11/15
*Trimester 1 ends Friday 11/18
*Downers Grove Field Trip Friday 11/18

Classroom Chatter:
Our class earned their 1st Marble Party for good behavior. We will celebrate Tuesday afternoon over a movie and healthy snacks and drinks. If you can send something in for the class, that would be great!

No spelling again this week. We will use this time to learn about antonyms and analogies.Check out our Synonym Rolls we made in class on Friday!

We will continue with our novel studies. Students will be working on story elements (character, setting, and plot) and reviewing the previous strategies (predicting, summarizing, inferring...etc).

We will take a break from our study of Nouns. We will spend this week writing about Thanksgiving from a Turkey's point of view. After the Thanksgiving break, we will resume Nouns!

We will continue with States of Matter and learn how matter changes. We will have the Matter test after Thanksgiving break. It is scheduled for Friday, 12/4.

Social Studies
We will continue our study of modern day DG and chapter 12-local government.

Mrs. Csorba's math class:
We will take a mad minute on all the facts (squares, twos, fives, threes, fours, sixes, sevens, and eights this week. When we return from Thanksgiving break we will do 9's, 10's, 11's, and 12's (one fact each week). Don't forget we will have the Chapter 3 Test on Tuesday and the Trimester test on chapters 1-3 on Friday.