Friday, January 13, 2012

Week of January 16-20

Important Dates:
*No school Monday 1/16
*Spelling Pretest Tuesday 1/17
*Math MAPS test Wednesday 1/18
*3rd Grade Spelling Bee Thursday 1/19
*Spelling Test Friday 1/20

Classroom Chatter
Congratulations to Jordyn and Rebecca! They are the classroom winners of our spelling bee. They will compete in Thursday's 3rd grade spelling bee for a chance to advance to the District Spelling Bee!

We will be taking the MAPS test in Math on Wednesday, 1/18. Let's have some great results like we had in reading!!! I'm super proud of my class and you should be of your child! Thanks for all your support. Remember to get a good night's sleep and eat a really good breakfast Wednesday morning!!!! :)

L. 13's words are j, k, and kw sounds. The pretest will be Tuesday. The homework and test will be due on Friday.

We will start a new novel study in our guided reading groups. While reading our novels, we will practice the questioning strategy as well as review our other strategies.

We will continue with verbs this week.

We are working through our unit and this week we will learn about weather!

Social Studies
We will continue with our chapter 3 unit on culture. Students received information about their culture day project last week. Students turned in their ideas to me and they all look great! Looking forward to our culture day on Monday 1/30!!!!

Mrs. Csorba's math class:
We will take a mad minute in division 2's this week. We also will continue with our measurement unit. Tuesday, the class will take a CYP on ch. 6, lessons 1-5. We will learn about the metric system this week.