Monday, December 17, 2007

Week of December 17-21

Important Dates:
*Social Studies Test Tuesday 12/18
*Bowling Test Tuesday 12/18
*Science quiz Wednesday 12/19
*Bowling Thursday 12/20
*Spelling Test Friday 12/21
*Polar Express at the Tivoli Friday 12/21

Classroom Chatter
Ms. Stainman needs parent volunteers to help tie roller skates during PE classes for third grade. She needs help the week of January 8-January 22. You can come as many or as few of times as you want and can go into any other class or your child's own. We have gym from 1:35-2:00 everyday. You can email her at if you are interested. Thanks for your help.

Thursday afternoon, 3rd grade will go bowling for PE. Students are allowed to purchase snacks at the snack bar. You can send your child with money to school Thursday to make a snack purchase. Students need to make sure they wear gym shoes to school that day. They'll be bowling in them.

Friday we are off to the Tivoli to see Polar Express as a school wide field trip. Remember to bring a sack lunch. We will be eating before we go to the movies.

This week we will take a break from our spelling workbooks. Students will be studying Egypt words this week. There will be a list of 10 Egypt spelling words. No pretest this week. The test is on Friday. The list is in the spelling folder. Students will have spelling activities this week to practice their Egypt words.

We will spend this week writing holiday stories. They will be similar to our wonderful turkey stories. Students will be writing a Holiday story from a Holiday character's point of view. Look for them to come home by the end of the week to share with the family over the holidays! These will not be for a grade.

We are continuing reading and learning about Egypt. Students will finish up reading our Eye of Egypt books. Students will be learning about time lines to help understand how long ago Ancient Egyptian times were. We also will be learning about hieroglyphics and writing with them.

We will finish up with activity 6 on the space shuttle There will be a short quiz on Wednesday. Wednesday's quiz will cover activities 2-6 in the space book. A study guide and notes will go home on Monday. They will be in the science folder.

Social Studies
We will finish chapter two with a test on Tuesday. The study guide went home last week. It is in the social studies folder.

This week we will work on ordered pairs with graphs and take a checkpoint. We will spend the rest of the week working on a graph project. Students will be taking x7's in mad minutes this week.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. See you next year! :)

-Mrs. Csorba