Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week of October 6-10

Important Dates:
Downers Grove permission slip/money due Friday, 10/10
Downers Grove field trip-Thursday 10/16

Classroom Chatter:
This week is bullying prevention week. Here is a great website for students and parents to check out. It offers games and activities:

A permission slip for the field trip to Downers Grove went home Friday. I can take 6 chaperones. Please fill out the bottom portion of the permission slip with your name, email, and phone number. I will be contacting the first 6 parents I hear from. I also would like to invite any parents who don't chaperone to meet us for lunch at Giordano's.

This week we will learn about germs in lesson 2 of our health unit. Students will learn what harm some germs can do, how the body fights these germs, and how to keep germs from spreading.

Social Studies
We will continue our study of Downers Grove which we started last week. Last week we learned about the Pierce Downer. This week we will focus our studies on, Potawatomi Indians, Chief Waubonsee, Israel Blogett, the Underground Railroad, Prince Pond, Dicke Tool Company, and Tivoli Theater.

Please visit the blog of your child's Reading teacher to find out information for Reading, Language Arts, and Spelling in that classroom.

Lesson 6's words are plurals of consonant + y words. There will be a pretest on Monday. The test will be on Friday. Here is an overview of this week's spelling homework:
Tuesday: workbook p 34-35
Wednesday: workbook p 36-37
Thursday: ABC order
Friday: Test

This week we will begin Unit Two: Nouns. Students will learn about nouns, common & proper nouns, nouns in the subject, and singular and plural nouns.

This week we will begin with the strategy of monitor/clarify. This means while we read, we will need to ask ourselves if what we read makes sense. If we don't understand what we're reading, we should reread, read ahead, or use illustrations to help us understand what we're reading. We also will be working on fact and opinion. The first story we'll read a non-fictional story called Nights of the Pufflings.

Please visit the blog of your child's Math teacher to find out information for that Math class.

This week we will learn to subtract across zeros, problem solving, and mental math strategies. Students will take the mad minute on times 3's this week.