Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week of December 13-17

Important Dates:
*Holiday Service Project items due Monday 12/13
*PE test on Bowling Tuesday 12/14
*BOX TOP turn in by Thursday 12/16
*All school field trip to Tivoli Friday 12/17

Classroom Chatter

Don't forget about our Holiday Service Drive. We are looking for donations such as new toys, new games, toiletries, and food for the needy families in the Darien area. All donations are due on Monday, December 13. Thank you for opening up your hearts to help make the holidays a happy one for those who are less fortunate.

A permission slip went home Thursday for our school field trip to Tivoli movie theater. We are going to the Tivoli in lieu of a classroom party. Please sign and return the permission slip. Send in $3 and the slip in an envelope marked with the following information: Your child's name, Mrs. Csorba, 3rd grade, Tivoli

We would like to wish Miss Boyer the best of luck! Her last day with us was Thursday. We enjoyed having her in our classroom and learned so much! Wewill miss her very much!

L. 11's words are words with vowel sound in clown and lawn. The pretest will be Monday. The test and homework will be due on Friday.

We will work on our holiday stories and share them in class. I hope to send them home by the end of this week to share with the family!

We will continue working on visualization and evaluating text. We will be reading some short stories to help with these strategies.

We will finish up our space games. One lucky student from each group will get to take the game home!

Social Studies
We will continue with chapter 3 culture. This week we will talk about customs and ethnic neighborhoods in lesson 2.

We will finish up ch 6 time and measurement. The test will be Wednesday. We will take a x8 mad minute.