Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week of May 2-6

Important Dates:
*Reading vocab quiz Wed. 5/4
*Spelling test Friday 5/6

Classroom Chatter
We began Jr. Achievement last week. Mr. Wilcoxen is our volunteer. He taught us about zones this week. We learned about some zones like farming, industrial, residential, business, and multipurpose. Ask your child about it. He will visit our class 4 more times this year!

This week's words begin with a or be. There will be a pretest on Tuesday (since Monday there is no reading due to MAPS tests). The test is Friday. The homework is due Friday. Remember, all spelling homework and tests are done in cursive now.

We started our Fairytale unit last week after we finished up some poetry work. I pushed back the vocab quiz for fairy tales to Wednesday, 5/4. The list is in the reading folder in the binders.

We will continue to work on expository writing. We finished our pen pal letters to 2nd grade and will mail them this week. We look forward to hearing from them!

We will begin the next unit of study of heat, light, and sound. This is chapter 14.

Social Studies
We will continue with the economy unit. Lesson 2 teaches us all about making economic choices and what opportunity cost it.

We will begin ch. 4 multiplication. We will not cover everything in this chapter. The check your progresses and chapter test will be modified by me, based on what I will be teaching. Feel free to do any of the lessons or pages we skip! We will take a mad minute in division 11.