Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week of May 9-13

Important Dates:
*Spelling Test Friday 5/13
*Early Dismissal Friday 5/13

Classroom Chatter:
We have been enjoying Jr. Achievement with Mr. Wilcoxen. He will be coming to our class Monday this week! Ask your child about it!

Don't forget Friday is an early dismissal!!

L. 24 words are contractions. The homework will be due on Friday. Please make sure it is in cursive. There will be a pretest Monday and a test on Friday.

We will finish up fairy tales with some reader's theater. Students will be performing their fractured fairy tale on Tuesday. Wednesday, we will begin a unit on magic! We will continue reviewing all our skills and strategies we learned throughout this year!

We will continue expository writing. Students will be writing about a what they would do if they had a robot!

We will learn about light this week.

Social Studies
We will continue with our economy unit and learn about goods, services, supply and demand.

We will take a mad minute in division 12. We will take a CYP on mulitplication of two digits by one digit, multiplication with regrouping and three digits times one digit, and multiply money on Tuesday. We will continue with multiplication this week. We will learn four digit multiplication and multiplication of two digits by two digits.