Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of October 3-7

Important Dates:
*Spelling pretest Monday 10/3
*Spelling test Friday 10/7

Classroom Chatter:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the magazine drive!!!!!!

L. 5 words are more long vowel words. There will be a pretest Monday. The test and homework will be due on Friday.

We will focus on the reading strategy inferencing. The students will use basal reading stories, supplemental short stories, and possibly novels to extend their practice of understanding what they read. Students will learn new vocabulary words from stories they are reading. We will also continue to work on an extended response where we use ideas from the text combined with our own ideas to answer a question.

We will begin our first writing unit and learn how to write a 5 paragraph paper. You child will be bringing home a "Me Bag" on Monday to help with this assignment. It is a brown paper bag that they will have to fill with 3 things that help describe them. For example in Mrs. Csorba's Me Bag you will find a golf ball, a book, and a camera. :)

We will finish up with chapter 4 lesson 4 and learn how ecosystems can change.

Social Studies
We will have a quiz on Hemispheres on Wednesday. The study guide is in the social studies folder.

Mrs. Csorba's Math:
We will begin multiplication mad minutes on Monday. Students will be quizzed on the "squares" with 50 problems. They will have 3 minutes. They will have Wednesday and Friday to also "pass" the test if need be. We also began chapter 2 on Friday. Chapter 2 teaches about addition and subtraction concepts. There will be a Check Your Progress on Thursday covering material from lessons 1-5. They will be allowed to use their "notes" and textbook. It will be 20 multiple choice questions.