Friday, September 2, 2011

Week of September 5-9

Important Dates

*Mon. 9/5: No School: Labor Day

* Tues. 9/6: Spelling: Pretest List 2

* Thurs. 9/8: MAPS testing: Reading

*Fri. 9/9: Spelling: List 2 Test
Social Studies: Directions Quiz

Classroom Chatter

*Curriculum Night: It was so great to see so many of you at Thursday night's Curriculum Night. Thank you for sharing your night with us as we went over 3rd grade with you. If were unable to come, I sent any notes home with your child today. I will also sign you up for a conference time and notify you of that date as is gets closer. If it does not work for you, we can reschedule. Thank you!

*Donations: If you took a baseball off of our "Can You Pitch in and Help" board at open house or curriculum night, thank you for your donations. You can send in your chosen item at any time. Thank you for "pitching in and helping!"

*A calendar came home Friday (and if you came to Curriculum Night, you received a September calendar). Please initial 20 days that your child reads in the month of September. This is worth 10 points in reading. You may turn it in as soon as 20 days of reading for 20 minutes is complete. The due date will be Monday, Oct. 3.

Our Week:

*Reading: The third grade starts off our reading curriculum by teaching the students to use various reading strategies. We model the use of these strategies while reading high interest picture books to the class. We then will spend the year extending the use of these strategies while reading a variety of literary materials to aid in comprehension. This coming week, we will learn about predicting, inferring, and visualizing.

*English: We will focus on ch 1, The Sentence. We will study the four types of sentences this week. They are statement, question, exclamation, and command.

*Spelling: We will work on list 2: short vowel words. There will be a pretest on Tuesday and the test will be on Friday. Due to the shortened week, your child will have 2 homework assignments due Friday.

*Social Studies: We will continue to work on map skills as we focus on cardinal and intermediate directions and the compass rose. We will have a short quiz on these skills on Friday 9/9. Look for a study guide coming home on Tuesday.

*Science: We will begin our science unit on ecosystems soon! This is chapter 4 in the textbook.

Mrs. Csorba's Math Class
A "Math News" blue piece of paper came home Friday. Please review the responsibilities with your child (we did go over them in class today). Both parent and child are to sign the sheet and return to school on Tuesday. Don't forget to cover your math textbook!

This week in math we will begin chapter 1, Place Value. Students will also be starting an addition "mad minute" timed test. They will need to answer 40 addition problems in 2 minutes time.