Friday, March 23, 2012

Week of April 2-6

Important Dates:
*Spring Break 3/26-3/30
*Classes resume Monday 4/2
*Math test 4/4
*Spelling test Thursday 4/5
*Science test Thursday 4/5
*No school 4/6

Classroom Chatter
I hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break!!!!

L. 18 words are spelled by changing final y to an i. The pretest will be Monday. The test and homework will be due on Thursday.

We will work on a poetry unit! There will be a vocab quiz on the 6 vocab words on Monday, 4/9.

We will begin a friendly letter unit.

There will be a test on Space on Thursday.The study guide is in the science folder.

Social Studies:
We will continue with our study of Chicago and building skyscrapers! ;)

We will take a mad minute in division 12s. We will have the geometry test on Wednesday, 4/4.