Monday, January 21, 2008

Week of January 21-25

Important Dates:
*No School Monday 1/21
*Book orders due Monday 1/21 online only (paper orders were due 1/18)
*Science Quiz Thursday 1/24
*Spelling Test Friday 1/25

Classroom Chatter
Book orders are due Monday. I appreciate all orders. I will send the books home when they arrive.

Box tops, pop tabs, and soup labels are some things we are constantly collecting. Please keep sending them in. Thanks.

Thank you to Mackenzie. She donated items to our treasure chest.

We are skipping L. 18's writing unit. This week is L. 19. They are words spelled with or. The test is scheduled for Friday. There is no pretest due to the shortened week. The list is in the spelling folders.

This week we will learn about adverbs and using to, two, and too. Look for our adjective book, Several Silly Adjective Sentences, our class made last week. I will send it home with a student each night. Thanks.

We will wrap up things with Egypt in the beginning of the week. We will continue to work in lesson 4 in our Illinois workbooks.

This week we will finish up learning about the moon with a short quiz on Thursday. Please review notes, space booklet and study guide. The study guide and notes will come home Tuesday. We will then begin learning about the sun.

Social Studies
We will finish up our map skills unit with a project. Students will make a map of a make-believe town. Their maps will include a key with map symbols and a scale.

Students will take x10 mad minute. We will begin our next unit on Geometry. Students will also be working on making graphs this week with their partner. We also will be doing some problem solving and t-charts.